Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The Sustainable Development Goals were set by the United Nations and are to be achieved by 2030. They define the most important topics for creating a permanently better and fairer future for all people. As one of Vienna's largest companies, Wiener Linien has a special responsibility. We are working on several levels to achieve these goals.

Click on a goal to learn how Wiener Linien contributes to it:

End poverty in all its forms and everywhere

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

Mobility is a human right and a basic need. By providing reliable and affordable public transport, Wiener Linien helps to ensure that people on low incomes can also participate in public life quickly and safely.

Despite inflation, the price of the annual pass has remained constant at 365 euros since 2012 and there are discounted tickets for schoolchildren and students as well as for holders of a Mobilpass.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

No intervention by Wiener Linien.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. The fine dust pollution caused by car traffic has a negative impact on the health of all Viennese. This pollution can be reduced by increasing the use of public transport. 
  2. A large proportion of public space is taken up by road traffic. One underground train holds as many passengers as the average number of 790 cars on the road. Increased use of public transport protects the climate, uses less space and creates space for air-purifying and cooling green areas. 

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. Wiener Linien is doubling the number of apprenticeships it offers between 2021 and 2027. This makes them one of the largest training companies in Vienna and they also play a pioneering role throughout Austria. For example, Wiener Linien is one of only two training companies in the whole of Austria in track construction. 
  2. Regular further education, training and lifelong learning are at the heart of Wiener Linien's corporate philosophy.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. The business areas of Wiener Linien are traditionally often male-dominated. Our workforce consists of just under 17% women. In the area of management, the ratio is significantly higher at 44%; an all-female management team sends a clear signal here. 
  2. To further improve these quotas, Wiener Linien offers training programmes aimed specifically at women. There are also support programmes for female managers.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

No intervention by Wiener Linien.

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. Wiener Linien uses 100% green electricity from Austria.
  2. Bus transport will also become climate-neutral by 2040. In addition to the two city centre lines 2A and 3A, ten other lines will be completely converted to electric and hydrogen buses by the end of 2025.
  3. Wiener Linien also produces green energy itself: we generate solar power with photovoltaic systems on many installations and buildings.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. Around 8,700 people from over 60 nations work at Wiener Linien. There are more than 100 different job profiles and currently 300 apprentices in promising professional fields. This makes Wiener Linien one of the largest companies in the whole of Austria.
  2. Wiener Linien creates the framework conditions for sustainable economic growth in Vienna, as it opens up urban expansion areas (such as Seestadt Aspern or Rothneusiedl) with environmentally friendly mobility.
  3. Vienna's public transport system is one of the best in the world. This good reputation provides a locational advantage for Vienna's international appeal as a place to work, holiday or hold conferences.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. The Wiener Linien network is part of Vienna's critical infrastructure and makes a major contribution to the city's high quality of life thanks to its safety, cleanliness, size, frequent service and reliability. 
  2. Wiener Linien's various departments develop technical and social innovations, improve processes and launch pilot projects. These include, for example, the testing of new drive technologies or the use of recycled materials in construction.

Reduce inequality within and among countries

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

Accessibility is a top priority at Wiener Linien and throughout the Wiener Stadtwerke Group. A dedicated Group officer and representatives in the individual companies are working intensively on this issue. Wiener Linien is also constantly working to improve its barrier-free services and is continually investing in the modernisation of its vehicle fleet. 100% of the bus fleet and the majority of rail vehicles are barrier-free.

We are also working intensively and collaboratively on accessibility outside the vehicle fleet. Wiener Linien works closely with disability associations and self-help organisations right from the planning phase of new systems so that we can properly understand the specific requirements of our customers and serve them in the best possible way.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. Wiener Linien contributes in all dimensions to making the city of Vienna more sustainable - in economic, social, environmental and climate protection terms.
  2. Wiener Linien provides access to an affordable, accessible and sustainable transport system for everyone.
  3. Wiener Linien is prepared for extreme weather events such as heavy rain or prolonged heat and thus contributes to the city's resilience.
  4. One underground train holds as many passengers as the average number of 790 cars on the road. Public transport therefore plays a key role in enabling space-saving and climate-friendly mobility.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

Wiener Linien implements circular economy initiatives that allow old raw materials to be reused. We do this, for example, by repairing tools or using recycled raw materials in construction projects.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

  1. The transport sector is responsible for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions in Austria, and the trend has been rising sharply for decades. This is due to the increase in the number of cars and the number of kilometres driven in cars, with an average of only 1.1 people sitting in a car. Wiener Linien offers a climate-friendly alternative: one underground train can carry as many passengers as the average number of 790 cars.  
  2. Wiener Linien's underground trains and trams already run on 100% green electricity, and the trend in the bus fleet is also moving away from fossil fuels and towards e-mobility and hydrogen. The extensive public transport network enables climate-friendly mobility for over two million people who live, work or go on holiday in Vienna.
  3. Wiener Linien is further expanding local transport with the new U2xU5 underground railway. This will create more attractive connections, increase capacity by 300 million passengers per year and save around 75,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in the future.

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

No intervention by Wiener Linien.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal:

Wiener Linien is greening buildings and areas and laying green tracks to improve air quality, regulate the urban climate, improve quality of life and preserve biodiversity and ecosystems. Saving space, which is made possible by public transport, also makes a major contribution to this, as public transport utilises the available space more efficiently.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

No intervention by Wiener Linien.

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

This is how Wiener Linien contributes to this goal: 

Wiener Linien works together with the sister companies of the Wiener Stadtwerke Group, with the municipal departments of the City of Vienna, with NGOs and associations, with schools and universities, with the citizens of Vienna and with transport providers from other cities around the world to promote sustainable development.

Wiener Linien Customer Service

  • Do you have questions about your ticket? Have you been found without a valid ticket and have to pay an additional fee? Do you have questions or problems when buying tickets online? Do you have praise, a complaint or a suggestion for us? Whatever concern you have: We are happy to take care of it!

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