Construction site workers delivering and installing new tram tracks

Construction sites and service restrictions

Our ‘Netz erst recht’ modernisation campaign continues! In 2025, we will continue to renew tracks, points, lifts and escalators throughout the entire public transport network. The focus is on modernising the tram network: We are removing slow sections so that you can travel faster again. Here you can see where you can expect restrictions due to modernisation work.

We are increasingly focussing on large-scale renovations

Why? Because we achieve more with one large construction site than with several smaller measures. Public transport passengers get noticeable improvements, while neighbours only have to deal with one construction site. 

Why not just do it at night? We carry out most track construction work during non-operational times (i.e. at night), during the holidays or even during ongoing operations. In this way, we avoid restrictions for passengers, but can only achieve selective improvements. In contrast, large-scale construction sites, which we realise together with other departments of the City of Vienna, are much more effective. A major construction site may cause short-term restrictions, but in return an entire section of road is made fit for the coming decades.

Current timetables

Some modernisation work requires changes to timetables. You can always find the most up-to-date timetables here:


Track construction season 2025: We continue to modernise for you

We are continuing our track renewal campaign and removing slow sections so that you can get back on the move quickly. In total, we will be replacing around eleven kilometres of track in the tram network in 2025. The work is being carried out in several small and five large projects. Each modernised section will shorten journey times for you and increase punctuality ❤️

Tram track renewal: Highlights 2025

We will be replacing around 1,750 metres of track on Hütteldorfer Straße over the course of the year to eliminate slow sections. We are also improving comfort at the Johnstraße and Breitensee stops. 

Restriction from 24 February to mid-April 2025: closure between Urban Loritz Platz and Hütteldorfer Straße U

From 24 February to mid-April, line 49 will not be able to run due to the track construction site at the junction of Hütteldorfer Straße and Johnstraße. As a replacement, tram lines 46 and 52 have been extended and will cover most of the route of line 49.

Alternative: How to get to your destination during the track construction work

  • U3 line: The U3 covers the 49 line Hütteldorfer Straße - Johnstraße - Schweglerstraße. From here you can take the U3 to Westbahnhof, from there you can take lines 52 (extended), 6, 18 and U6 to Urban Loritz Platz. 
  • Line 46 extended to Hütteldorf, Bujattigasse: Tram line 46 is extended beyond its regular terminus at Joachimsthalerplatz. It continues from there to the Hütteldorfer Straße U stop and from there takes over the route of line 49 to Hütteldorf, Bujattigasse.
  • Line 52 extended to Ring, Volkstheater: Tram line 52 is extended beyond its regular terminus at Westbahnhof and runs from there to Urban Loritz Platz and continues on the route of line 49 to Ring, Volkstheater.

Download information sheet (PDF)

Read more: Track construction project Hütteldorfer Straße (line 49)

We are modernising the tracks in Floridsdorf from February to June. We are replacing 1,780 metres of track in the Franz-Jonas-Platz and Schloßhofer Straße areas. Due to ÖBB's work on the main S-Bahn line, Wiener Linien's work will largely have to take place when the railway is not in operation. 

Restriction from 4 February up to and including 17 June 2025:

Earlier closing time for lines 25, 26 and 31 (approx. at 00:00). The night buses N20 and N31 start earlier.

Line 18 will have 2,430 meters of new tracks on Landstraßer Hauptstraße and Schlachthausgasse. Due to the extensive work, there will be diversions and line closures. 

Jörgerstraße will receive almost 1,000 meters of new tracks to ensure smooth operation of line 43. From Elterleinplatz, the 43 will be diverted towards Gersthof and the 9 will be shortened to Rosensteingasse. The intervals of lines 2 and 44 will be shortened.

In the city center, parts of the heavily used tracks on the ring also have to be replaced. New tracks and switches are being installed on the Kärntner Ring, Universitätsring and Schubertring. Some of the ring lines have to be diverted. The U1, U2, U3 and U4 subway lines are available as alternatives. 

Modernisation of the underground network

This year, we are also replacing underground switches, modernising station buildings and platforms, renovating U4 tunnel girders and installing new lifts and escalators - the main focus here is on the U6 line.

Underground: Modernisation highlights 2025

🚧 Kagran: Modernisation of the platform in the direction of Oberlaa

We are continuing the modernisation of the foundations and surface at Kagran station, this time on the platform in the Oberlaa direction of travel.

Restriction from 10 February to the end of June 2025: No stop in Kagran in the Oberlaa direction of travel. The U1 only stops in Kagran in the direction of Leopoldau.

Alternative: Take the U1 in the direction of Oberlaa to Alte Donau station, change there to a train travelling in the opposite direction and travel back to Kagran. Please allow an extra ten minutes for this journey.

Download information sheet (PDF)

🚧 Keplerplatz: Installation of new points

At Easter, we will be renewing the points on the U1 at Keplerplatz. 

🚧 Modernisation of the Tscherttegasse station

From spring, the Tscherttegasse station will be modernised and accessibility significantly improved. During the work, one direction of travel will pass through the U6 station at a time.  

✅ Completed: U6: Installation of new points between Spittelau and Jägerstraße

During the semester break, we replaced the points on the U6 between Spittelau and Jägerstraße.

In summer 2024, Wiener Linien renovated the tunnel girders of the U4 between Schwedenplatz and Schottenring. In 2025, it will be the turn of the section between Schottenring and Friedensbrücke. During the work, the U4 will not be able to run in this section.

We are continuing with the reconstruction of the underground Alserbach bridge: from January to the end of May, we are renewing the supporting structure under track 2. As last year, the U4 can run continuously between Hütteldorf and Heiligenstadt despite the construction work. 

Restriction from 13 January up to and including 25 February 2025: Track 2 is closed. At Friedensbrücke station, the U4 will run on track 1 in both directions (alternating track operation). Only every second train runs beyond Schwedenplatz to Heiligenstadt. This results in a slightly longer interval in this section. 

Information about our modernisations