House Rules
House rules, conditions of carriage
House rules:
The house rules apply to the entire station area from the station name sign in the entrance or exit area to the edge of the platform.
By entering our labelled station facilities, you declare that you agree to the Wiener Linien house rules.
Conditions of carriage:
The conditions of carriage of Wiener Linien remain unaffected by the house rules.
When you pass through the ticket barriers or board our vehicles, our conditions of carriage and fare regulations also apply.
The house rules of Wiener Linien
As of 1 March 2023
Published by: Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
FNr 181593z
Represented by: Wiener Linien GmbH
FNr 174296v
UID: ATU 47055001
1030 Vienna
ErdbergstraĂźe 202
P.O. Box 63
Line U3 Erdberg
1. Area of application
The house rules apply within the entire designated station facility from the station name sign in the entrance or exit area to the edge of the platform. By entering our signposted station facilities, you agree to the Wiener Linien house rules. The conditions of carriage of Wiener Linien remain unaffected by the house rules. When you pass through the ticket barriers or board our vehicles, our conditions of carriage and fare regulations also apply.
2. Definitions
Assistance dog
Assistance dogs are signalling, service and guide dogs for the blind that are identified as such and are also entered in the handler's disability pass. They do not have to be kept on a lead or muzzled.
Persons using the railway
Persons using the railway are passengers and persons accompanying or picking up passengers, as well as all other persons who are not on railway facilities and/or in railway vehicles for the purpose of operating and/or transporting the railway (e.g. persons merely passing through the station, cleaning staff).
Labelled station area
The station area is labelled with the station name in the entrance/exit area and/or a reference to the lines accessible in this station (e.g. U1, U2, 18, 62).
Dangerous objects or animals
By dangerous objects or animals we mean objects that could obstruct, pollute, endanger or injure other customers of Wiener Linien and/or train users.
3. Prohibited in the designated area is:
- any action that prevents the smooth running of operations and/or that could disrupt our employees in the performance of their work. This includes, among other things:
- any behaviour that permanently disturbs the quiet privacy of other people
- any action that constitutes irreverent behaviour - blocking and/or restricting escape, rescue or traffic routes
- misuse of our emergency facilities
- sitting and/or lying on the floor or on Wiener Linien facilities not intended for this purpose
- smoking (including, for example, vaping e-cigarettes and the like)
- making noise and/or playing music (exception: playing music in designated areas with written authorisation from Wiener Linien) and playing sound recordings loudly
- any action or activity that poses a danger to other people and/or harasses them (e.g. handling fire, sharp and/or pointed objects and the like)
- riding vehicles and/or sports equipment of any kind (e.g. bicycles, e-bikes, skateboards, inline skates, scooters, e-scooters, mopeds and the like) with the exception of wheelchairs
- the consumption of alcoholic beverages (exception: in the designated locations) and/or illegal addictive substances
- begging, hawking and/or camping
- offering and/or selling goods and/or services of any kind without written authorisation from Wiener Linien
- carrying firearms, as well as visibly carrying weapons of any kind (this regulation does not apply to organs of the executive (BMI), financial administration (BMF) and national defence (BMLV) during the performance of their duties).
- the presence of dangerous objects and/or dangerous animals
- writing, painting, spraying, sticking and/or soiling walls, floors, vehicles and/or other surfaces without the written authorisation of Wiener Linien
- bringing and/or keeping dogs without a muzzle and lead. Small, harmless pets must be kept in a closed container (e.g. a carrier basket for cats) in such a way that injuries and contamination of other customers can be ruled out
- Entering and/or crossing railway tracks
- damaging, stealing and/or misusing the facilities of Wiener Linien
- staying in the danger zone between the edge of the platform and the safety line (except when boarding and alighting)
- leaving luggage and/or objects unattended
- parking bicycles and/or other vehicles
- distributing leaflets, brochures and/or flyers as well as collecting and/or collecting signatures without written authorisation from Wiener Linien
- the improper disposal of waste
- taking photographs and/or filming for commercial purposes without written authorisation from Wiener Linien
- causing a public nuisance
- using the escalator with pushchairs, other vehicles (e.g. wheelchairs) and/or sports equipment
- Not following the instructions of our employees
4. Authorisation required
If you intend to do any of the following in our stations:
- make music,
- offer or sell goods and/or services,
- decorate areas artistically,
- distribute leaflets, brochures or flyers,
- organise collection and signature campaigns,
- take photographs, film recordings for commercial purposes and the like
this is only possible with written authorisation from Wiener Linien. You can find documents either on the Wiener Linien website at or by writing to
5. Consequences of violating the house rules
Violations of the house rules can lead to station expulsions, cleaning fees (at least 40 euros), claims for damages and bans from the premises.
If you give a reason for exclusion while using the facilities and vehicles, you may be asked to leave the facility by our staff and may be banned from the premises in the event of repeated offences. The duration of the exclusion depends on the severity and frequency of the offence. You are obliged to identify yourself to Wiener Linien staff on request during your stay in the Wiener Linien area.
6. Behaviour with children
Parents are liable for their children. Please supervise your children and talk to them about safe behaviour on the platform. Stay with your child and keep an eye on them at all times. Please hold on to your pushchair. Secure your pushchair to prevent it from rolling away and be aware of the draught of arriving trains and the crowds in the stations.
7. Lost and abandoned items
We accept no liability for items left, forgotten or lost in our facilities and vehicles. Lost property will be handed over without exception to the Central Lost Property Service of the City of Vienna, Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 3, 1050 Vienna. The Central Lost Property Service can be contacted on +43 1 4000 8091 or at Items left behind can be removed for a fee.
8. Information in accordance with the Data Protection Act
The indoor and outdoor areas of the stations are under permanent video surveillance for security reasons. Wiener Linien employees also use body cameras that record video and sound. The recording is started and stopped individually by the employee.
9. Railway supervisory bodies
The security staff and auditors of Wiener Linien are sworn railway supervisory bodies in accordance with § 30 EisbG 1957. They are therefore bodies with sovereign powers and are responsible for ensuring the safety and order of railway operations.
The following is an excerpt from the Federal Act of 13 February 1957 on Railways, Rail Vehicles on Railways and Traffic on Railways (EisbG 1957), Bundesgesetzblatt No. 60/1957, as amended:
Section 30 (1) EisbG 1957: Railway undertakings shall appoint railway employees to supervise the behaviour of persons on railway installations of a public railway, in rail vehicles operated on public railways and in traffic on a public railway (railway supervisory bodies). Supervision shall include that of order on the station forecourts, unless the otherwise competent bodies are present. In the case of railways on which access rights are exercised, supervision shall also include the behaviour of railway employees of railway undertakings exercising access rights, insofar as this is necessary to ensure the safety and orderliness of the operation of the railway in question and of the respective traffic on the railway as a whole.
Section 30 (3) EisbG 1957: Railway supervisory bodies may arrest persons whom they find in the act of violating the provisions of §§ 43 para. 1, 46, 47 para. 1, 47a and 47b, including those issued on the basis of an ordinance pursuant to § 47c, provided that the other requirements of § 35 of the Administrative Penal Act 1991 (VStG), Federal Law Gazette No. 52, are also met, but no organ of the public security service can intervene. If the reason for the arrest has not already ceased to exist, the railway supervisory bodies must present the arrested person to the nearest public security body as soon as possible.
Section 46 EisbG 1957: Behaviour that disrupts the operation of a railway, the operation of rail vehicles on a railway or traffic on a railway is prohibited within railway facilities. In particular, it is prohibited to damage, climb on or contaminate railway installations, railway equipment and railway vehicles, to place unauthorised objects on the track, to install other obstacles, to move points, to operate overhead line switches, to raise the alarm or to give signals.
Section 47 (1) EisbG 1957: With the exception of the places designated for this purpose, access to railway installations is only permitted with a permit issued by the railway company.
Section 47b (1) EisbG 1957: Railway users must comply with the official orders of the railway supervisory bodies (§ 30 EisbG 1957) and, when using the railway facilities and railway vehicles, behave in a manner that is required by the safety and order of the operation of the railway, the operation of railway vehicles on the railway, the traffic on the railway and consideration for others.
Section 225 (1) EisbG 1957: Anyone who contravenes the provisions of §§42, 43, 46 to 47b or the regulations issued by decree on the basis of §§47c and 49 commits an administrative offence, unless otherwise specified below, and shall be punished by the district administrative authority with a fine of up to EUR 726.
Wiener Linien Customer Service
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