Annual pass
The annual pass at a glance:
The annual pass is valid from the first day of the selected month for 365 days on all public transport in the Vienna core zone. It entitles you to any number of journeys on the underground, trams and buses (except special express bus routes), the S-Bahn (ÖBB express railway) and the Badner Bahn (to Vösendorf-Siebenhirten).
The annual ticket is not valid on WESTbahn trains, the City Airport Train (CAT), airport express services and tourist mobility offers.
Buy annual pass
Digital annual pass
You can buy the digital annual pass online in the WienMobil Ticketshop. The digital annual pass is a purely electronic ticket and is only displayed in the WienMobil app. The digital annual pass cannot be printed out or issued as a cheque card. To buy the digital annual pass, you need a customer account in the WienMobil ticket shop. To do this, you must register once and enter your personal details. You can then manage your annual pass online, including changing your details, renewing your annual pass or cancelling it.
Annual pass in form of a cheque card
Alternatively, the annual pass is available as a cheque card. You can buy it at one of our ticket offices or in the WienMobil Ticketshop. Please bring a current passport photo and an official photo ID with you. The annual pass can be displayed in the WienMobil app.
Renew annual pass
Digital annual pass
The holder of a digital annual pass manages the ticket independently in the WienMobil Ticketshop. There, the owner initiates the renewal via the context menu.
Annual pass in form of a cheque card
- If payment ist made by settling the whole amount in advance by means of a one-off payment, you can renew your annual pass by visiting one of our ticket offices and making the payment there. Alternatively, you can renew your annual pass by paying in the payment slip or making a bank transfer by the 15th of the last month of validity of the existing annual pass. The new annual pass will be sent after receipt of the total amount.
- If payment is made by SEPA direct debit (monthly or annual direct debit): If the annual pass is not cancelled in writing one month before it expires, a new contractual relationship is established for a further twelve months. The holder of the annual pass or the third-party payer will be informed of this separately in writing at least six weeks before the expiry date. Any fare adjustments will only take effect when the annual pass is purchased again. In this case, the amount debited will be adjusted to the changed fares.
Change name or address
You have a cheque card:
This is how you can change your details:
- Online in the WienMobil Ticketshop or in the WienMobil app using the menu item "Manage address" (please note: you need a logwien account for this)
- In person at one of our ticket offices
- By e-mail to kundendialog@wienerlinien.at with a copy of your ID
- By letter post
- By fax to +43 7909 9973999
- By telephone +43 7909 100
You have a digital annual pass:
Changes to the data you provided when ordering the annual pass (e.g. name, address) can be made online by the owner. Alternatively, send the change by e-mail to kundendialog@wienerlinien.at and enclose the relevant proof (e.g. marriage certificate, registration form).
Annual pass for senior citizens
People who have reached the age of 65 can buy the annual pass at a reduced price.
Is the annual pass transferable?
The annual pass is personalised, i.e. it is issued to a specific person. It is therefore not transferable.
Annual pass lost or stolen
If you lose your annual pass or it has been stolen, we can issue you with a replacement card for a fee of 10 euros. To do this, we need an official report of loss or theft from you. Alternatively, you can also display your annual pass in the WienMobil app - this saves you the processing fee and the submission of the loss or theft report.
You didn't buy your annual pass online? Then you need an account in the WienMobil Ticketshop and the WienMobil app and must link your annual pass to your online account.
Here you can download the app:
Cancel annual pass
Annual pass in cheque card format
Cancellation on expiry
If you pay for your annual pass once in advance, your contractual relationship ends as soon as your annual pass expires. If you no longer want a new annual pass after the end of its validity, you do not have to do anything.
If you pay for your annual pass by direct debit from your bank account and no longer want a new annual pass after your existing pass expires, please let us know at least one month before the end of its validity that you wish to cancel it on expiry (i.e. at the end of the validity of your existing annual pass). Your subscription will then be cancelled free of charge at the end of its validity.
Cancellation before the end of the term: for annual pass contracts which have been concluded up to and including 1st December 2024 (valid until 30th November 2025 at the latest)
The annual pass can be cancelled at any time and without specifying any reasons at the end of each month by demonstrably returning the pass (“ordinary cancellation”). If you cancel your contract before the end of the term, we will charge a processing fee of 22 euros and you will have to return your annual pass.
If the direct debit has already been authorized by the bank at the time of cancellation, the amount will be refunded in the following month.
Cancellation of payment: A revocation of the direct debit order and cancellation of the direct debit account without prior termination of the annual pass entitles Wiener Linien to cancel the contract with immediate effect. It is also not possible to suspend the debiting of amounts.
In order to cancel your pass, you can hand it in at one of our ticket offices or send proof of cancellation by post to the following address:
Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
Abteilung Vertrieb und Beratung
ErdbergstraĂźe 202, 1030 Vienna
New cancellation policy for annual passes valid as of 1st January 2025
The new cancellation policy for the Wiener Linien annual pass largely harmonizes with the cancellation policy which is already in force for KlimaTicket Ă–sterreich (KlimaTicket Ă–).
Ordinary cancellation
You can cancel your annual pass at the earliest after seven months from the start of validity without giving any reasons (“ordinary cancellation”). If you cancel your annual pass after seven months have elapsed, an additional monthly amount will be due for the period of validity used (fare compensation according to the fare conditions). The monthly amount corresponds to one twelfth of the fare which applies to your annual pass contract at the time of cancellation.
In the case of annual passes with monthly payment, the direct debit is stopped after cancellation and you have to pay the additional monthly amount.
If you pay in advance and make a one-off direct debit, you will receive a pro rata refund of the prepaid amounts and have to pay the additional monthly amount.
The annual pass can only be cancelled before the end of seven months from the start of validity for special good cause as part of a extraordinary right of cancellation. This requires certain evidence in accordance with the fare conditions. These reasons are, for example:
Relocation to a place of residence outside of Vienna (confirmation of registration not older than four weeks)
Unemployment (confirmation of unemployment not older than four weeks)
Cessation of third-party payer (written confirmation from the third-party payer)
Death of the annual pass holder (death certificate)
The annual pass in cheque card format can be returned on the fourth calendar day of the current month at the latest, without the current month being charged. In order to cancel your card, you can hand it in at one of our locations or send it by post to the following address:
Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
Abteilung Vertrieb und Beratung
ErdbergstraĂźe 202, 1030 Vienna
Extraordinary cancellation
In justified individual cases, the annual pass can also be cancelled for other important reasons (“extraordinary”). However, whether such a case exists will be examined individually.
Cancellation by third parties
Cancellation before the end of the term by third parties (i.e. individuals who are not contractual partners) is possible if a corresponding power of attorney has been issued by the annual pass holder and the authorized person returns the annual pass to Wiener Linien.
Digital annual pass
The digital annual pass is managed completely independently by the holder. This means that you carry out an ordinary cancellation yourself online. In order to carry out an extraordinary cancellation, please contact the customer dialogue (email to kundendialog@wienerlinien.at).
Wiener Linien Customer Service
Do you have questions about your ticket? Have you been found without a valid ticket and have to pay an additional fee? Do you have questions or problems when buying tickets online? Do you have praise, a complaint or a suggestion for us? Whatever concern you have: We are happy to take care of it!
Get in touch with us
Handle your request online: Visit our Help Center
Find an office: Offices & opening hours
Call our service line: +43 1 7909 100