Underground train driver
Your job as an underground driver:

As a driver you are our business card.
- You bring our passengers reliably to their destination.
- You give our passengers the feeling that they are travelling safely.
- You answer the questions of all customers.
- You are our business card.
- You react quickly in emergency situations and ensure safety.
This is what you need to become a metro driver:
- Minimum age: 21 years
- Health fitness (a company medical examination is required as part of the selection process. Requirements include a minimum height of 1.60 metres and colour vision).
- No medications or forms of therapy that impair roadworthiness
- Very good knowledge of German as a basis for dealing with the training content
- Willingness to work nights, weekends and public holidays on a regular basis
- No outstanding military service
Also advantageous are...
- Knowledge of our transport services in the metro area
- Experience in shift work
- Class B driving licence
What we offer you:
- A secure and meaningful job with a 37.5-hour week (in a four-week accounting period)
- A salary of about 2,300 euros gross per month including bonuses.
- You enjoy comprehensive training.
- We already pay a salary during the training.
- You will receive a permanent employment contract after positive completion of the training.
- The annual ticket for the core zone 100 in the VOR (Vienna) as well as 365 € discount for the climate ticket Austria.
- A wide range of our company health care: from running training to vaccination campaigns to nutrition and sleep counselling.
- A wide range of opportunities to move up or down within the company.
Working conditions as an underground train driver
We want to be honest: We demand a lot. But we also offer a lot. Our drivers take on a very responsible job that entails some special features.
- Irregular working hours: Your shifts will be scheduled on a rotating basis. There are also shifts that can be divided by a break of 2.5 to 4 hours ("interruption shifts").
- Early start: As a driver, you often have to be at work before the start of the regular transport service. Having your own vehicle is an advantage, but not a must.
- Duty at weekends, on public holidays and at night: We move the city every day. That's why the working week stretches over five days, followed by two days off. There are also regular duties during the night as well as duties on weekends and public holidays. Please note: After your training, you will be assigned to work on Saturdays and Sundays for longer periods of time.
- Changing duty station and always on the road: In principle, your duty station can be located anywhere in the city and can also change. The reason: We have to assign services according to need. When assigning duties, we pay as much attention as possible to where you live. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to take your wishes into account.
- You will either be assigned to the U1 and U4 or U2 and U3 lines, or exclusively to the U6 line.
Our underground stations:
- U1, U4 Wasserleitungswiese: Heiligenstädter Lände 7-9, 1190 Vienna. This includes the Hütteldorf, Heiligenstadt, Leopoldau and Neulaa stabling facilities and areas.
- U2, U3 Erdberg: Kappgasse 3, 1030 Vienna. This includes the Simmering, Ottakring and Aspern parking facilities and areas.
- U6 Michelbeuern: Währinger Gürtel 40, 1180 Vienna. This includes the parking facilities and areas Rößlergasse and Floridsdorf.
- Break relief stations: Praterstern U1, Stadion U2, Erdberg U3, Schottenring U4, Michelbeuern U6.
Your training as an underground driver

We prepare you thoroughly for your assignment.
You don't know how to drive an underground yet? No problem. At the beginning of your employment you will receive comprehensive training - until you obtain your driving licence. We will give you the best possible preparation for your work in the driving service.
Key training data:
- Duration: approx. three months
- Salary already during the training
- Course times: usually Monday to Friday 07:00-15:00 (deviations possible)
- Attention: training drives also take place during regular shift work, i.e. also during the night hours.
Contents of the training:
- Tariff knowledge, tickets and time cards (ticketing) with examination
- Operating and signalling regulations
- Network and route knowledge
- Vehicle technology and types
- De-escalation training and customer service training
- First aid and safety at work
Completion: Theoretical and practical examinations
Your current level of knowledge will be continuously checked during the training through intermediate tests and oral repetitions. Please note: You will also have to learn a lot of theory during the training. Experience shows that a special ambition and a certain willingness to learn will also be necessary in your free time in order to successfully complete the training.
If you do not pass the training, you will unfortunately not be able to start working for Wiener Linien. Your employment contract will then be terminated.
Your way into the driving service: Application and selection procedure
You would like to become a metro driver at Wiener Linien? Then please go to our job portal to apply.
If you convince us with your application, we will invite you to a test on your general knowledge and a computer-based aptitude test. Both tests take place on the same day. If you pass both tests, the next two stages are the company medical examination and a personal interview. If you and we are convinced that you are the right person for the driving service, then it's time for you to get on board: Please get on board as a new employee of the Wiener Linien transport service!
Wiener Linien HR Center
ErdbergstraĂźe 202, 1030 Vienna
U3 station Erdberg, exit Franzosengraben